Friday, September 22, 2006

My stash runneth over ....

Last Saturday I tried to treat myself by taking a day off and going to the Wool Gathering in Yellowsprings, Ohio. I TRIED. Unfortunately, there was a family "crisis" (with a little c) that only a Mommy could deal with and I didn't get to leave for the 1 1/2 hour drive until about 3:30 -- for an event that ended at 7 p.m. Needless to say, my enjoyment of the fair was limited.

I was able to use my $25 gift certificate from the Weaver's Guild though. I bought a skein of beautiful soft cream colored sportweight alpaca and a laceweight skein of unusual silk/yak yarn. I really love those exotics! I'm planning to make a shawl for the Friendship Spinner's Christmas exchange with the alpaca, but I have no idea what to do with the silk and yak -- I guess that's the purpose of a stash.

Yesterday, my stash grew even more! I went to lunch with Lynne and -- bless her heart -- she brought me a gorgeous skein of mohair from York, England. She carried it home with her in her suitcase for me. It's a dark navy and difficult to see in the picture, but it's beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely assortment of yarn! You must have so much pleasure from working with all those dream soft fibers :-)

I am spinning a lightweight brown/black alpaca right now, which I intend to use in a shaw;. I've never made or worn a shawl but it feels like the right thing to do. Any advice for my first attempt?