Monday, March 5, 2007

I WANT my ipod back!!!

I've suffered another techno-loss, but, unlike the camera, this time I don't think I'll get it back. Friday night, someone got into my unlocked car, which was sitting in my driveway, and took both my ipod and my purse.

The purse didn't have anything valuable in it. No money or credit cards. But it did have a lot of odds and ends that will be difficult to replace. The ipod, on the other hand, was very valuable and will be expensive to replace. I feel disconnected from the podcast world that I was enjoying so much. I want to hear from Dave Reidy at "Sticks and String" and Andrew at "Geek Farm Life" and Carrie Anne at "BritKnitCast" and Faith, "The Knitting Cook." I want to continue Astronomy classes at O.S.U. with Professor Pogge. I WANT my ipod back!

I spent the weekend on christian retreat at my church. It was a good weekend ... very tiring, somewhat emotional, but I feel refreshed. It's the sort of thing we all probably need to do from time to time. While I was there, I started this sock. I made it all the way to the heel flap and I'm ready to turn the heel. I love the colors in this yarn! They're so rich looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too bad about the ipod! Hadn't considered listening to classes using an ipod. Maybe I need to get one.

I do like the colors in your sock. And retreats are usually wonderful treats to ourselves if we just insist they happen. Too easy to pass them up.