Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Why use foresight when you can kick yourself with hindsight?

The crocheted beaded shawl saga continues. Maybe it's the whole concept of crochet that's unlucky. When Lynne saw that I was using a crochet hook she said I'd turned to the dark side -- maybe the Crochet Gods are trying to tell me something.

Anyway, I've run out of mohair and the "shawl" is only about four feet long. I guess I'll have to use something else to make it a wearable length. I simply REFUSE to frog it again.
One idea I had was to join the two ends and make it a straight-jacket, er, wrap. Then I could put the beaded fringe all along the bottom instead of at the ends of the shawl.

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Penny,

You've already been so courageous with this shawl... Your idea of joining both ends should be fine. Maybe in moebius fashion?

Also, maybe finding (not too) small amounts of lighter shades of yarn, you could add a few stripes of decreasing lenghts on one or both sides (depending whether you like asymetry or not). There, you have the choice of going with similar yarns if you find them, or go wild with differences, so it looks like you did it on purpose.

If you wish to go with additional crochet pieces and are comfortable with sewing, maybe you could intersperse the chocheted extensions with bands of silk, taffeta and or velvet, in a "crazy quilt" type of approach.

These accidents can sometimes lead to great unexpected results... and sometimes not, especially when you were actually achieving the desired effect and the "only" problem is amount of material.

Just a few ideas.

Let us know what you decide :-)