Thursday, November 9, 2006

Depression reigns and we all got wet

I'm making slow progress on the moebius lace scarf. It's proving more difficult than I had thought. Although the lace pattern is very simple, the qivuit is not smooth and it's so light -- like a spider's web -- that any mistakes are VERY difficult to correct. I've finally adopted a policy of simply moving on. As long as I don't have any gaping holes (and I do mean gaping) I'm just going to call it lace. It's my interpretation of the pattern ... Ha! Qivuit deserves better, but I'd rather complete it imperfectly than never complete it at all.

Another rather depressing project is staring me in the face: my handspun socks. I made the yarn from the wool Elizabeth Ashford sent me plied with camel down. My color sense is completely colorblind. While the yarn itself looks O.K., when knitted up and seen at a distance the whole color scheme turns to mud. What spinning demon made me ply teal blue with cinnamon brown?

To make it worse, I used up all my camel on the two skeins I made and those two skeins are not going to be nearly enough for the socks. To remedy this problem, I decided to put in heels and toes of solid two-ply teal wool. Turns out that the "toes" are going to have to stretch all the way to the instep. Ah, the joys of "winging it" when you start a project. I really ought to know better. Well, I'll be spending my free time in the next few days spinning more teal yarn.

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