I'm thrilled! I won the Weaver's Guild challenge "Black, White and Red All Over" with my black and white illusion scarf with the word "RED" in it. The members voted on which project was the best and MINE WON!
Everyone thought it was very clever and a few are even clamoring for an illusion knitting workshop.
I got a $25 gift certificate from the Weaver's Loft as a prize and I can't decide what to buy with it. There are so many options ... a some great roving or a lace flyer for my wheel. I may just hang on to it for a while and savor the moment.
I'm working on a rare wools vest that I'm just faking as I knit ... I figured out the rough perameters and cast on letting the devil take the hindmost.

I knit one side of the front in garter stitch and decided I didn't like it and pulled it out. So now I've finished one side out of stockinette and I'm wondering why I didn't use moss stitch.
This is why people use patterns ... so they don't keep changing their minds.
Anyway, the grey to the left is CVM and, starting with the black line, the wool is three colors of Jacob sheep. It's all my bulky handspun and it looks a little rough, but I think I'll live with the stockinette. I'm hoping to get this done so I can wear it on our trip to England in July. Stop laughing!
Ally got Andy out today
and gave him a good grooming. She collected a good bit of fur, so I hauled my wheel out into the sunshine and made angora yarn. Later, when I was giving him a pedicure, he escaped. I've never seen him run so fast!!! He took off like a grey streak! Ally and I stalked him for a while but she finally caught him.
Of course, after we captured him we had to groom him all over again because he was littered with leaves and sticks. He's a rascal!
But I have to forgive him -- he's so soft and gorgeous. Look at all this silky fiber!